Future is a question of perspective
Kai Gondlach is a futurologist (M.A.), author and keynote speaker, and Managing Director of the PROFORE Future Institute. With his keynotes, he inspires people with scientifically sound impulses for actively shaping their future. This is the right place to learn more about his most important topics and backgrounds.
Keynotes of Kai Gondlach
Experience Kai Gondlach live with a trend-setting presentation about the future. Prepare yourself and your target group for the future, experience a dynamic change of times and tangible perspectives. Choose from the top 12 keynotes or request your own topic!

Keynote: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already an important part of everyday life for many people – often without realizing it. Some already have an inkling of the immense transformational energy of AI technologies; this keynote covers the most important areas that will become more relevant in the next 20 years.

Keynote: Emerging Technologies
On the one hand, since the Facebook Group changed its name to Meta, no innovative company has been able to avoid VR, AR or XR (virtual, augmented or mixed reality). Alongside entertainment and training, the industrial metaverse is an important part of Industry 5.0.

Keynote: Digitization
Do you know the original definition of Industry 5.0? No, not the one from the EU Commission, but the one that sounds less like an uncreative update of Industry 4.0 with a pinch of AI and instead focuses on the core idea of the circular economy?

Keynote: New Work
Will your job survive this decade? In other words, which parts of it will become more important and which will lose importance? In this impulse, I will convey the most important framework conditions for a successful HR strategy based on international studies and my own publications.

Keynote: Resilience
Was your company or authority caught off guard by the coronavirus pandemic or the war in Ukraine? Then your organization was literally not resilient. Let’s change that!

Keynote: Education
Why we need a system revolution and how to proceed? Get ready for an entertaining, varied and dynamic keynote with constructive proposals for the rebellion.

Keynote: Decarbonization
Many countries strive to become carbon neutral by 2045 – which also means that your organization must be. Without certificates. The path to Industry 5.0 in the 21st century is emission-free – at least on balance. In this keynote, I will explain the background and strategies on how organizations of all kinds can best proceed.

Keynote: Sustainability
This keynote invites you and your audience on an entertaining journey through time from the beginning of sustainability to the regenerative futures of distant futures. It is based on my scientific publications, expert interviews and consulting mandates.

Keynote: Climate Change
Is your organization in the midst of introducing environmental and social governance (ESG) or serious about CSR (corporate social responsibility)? Nevertheless, do your stakeholders need an entertaining overview of current and future climate trends?

Keynote: Future Mobility
When will air cabs finally arrive? The mobility transformation is coming… but when exactly? Hardly any other industry is affected by so many external stressors at the same time as mobility. Energy transition on the one hand – will we only be driving electrically in the future or will we be using hydrogen?

Keynote: Urban Development
Municipalities are under pressure from all megatrends. How do we ensure the comfortable survival of our citizens, make administrative processes more efficient and what opportunities can we use to promote climate protection?

Keynote: Future Energy
What characterizes the post-fossil economy – and what does the path to it look like? We all know that sooner rather than later fossil fuels will no longer be profitably extracted, traded or converted into electricity or heat. But what will happen then?
Find out more about the keynote topics:
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Kai Gondlach in the media

"Kai Gondlach is an excellent speaker who knows how to captivate his audience in a very short time. The future scenarios that Gondlach presents are not the product of his imagination, but all have a real background and are plausible and comprehensible."
Axel Berberich
DEVK Versicherungen

"Kai Gondlach was invited to provide impetus for our Future Day. He analyzed correlations and showed possible scenarios for the future. This was an excellent way of awakening our managers' interest in the future and strategy development. Very likeable and professional."
Jürgen Block
Caritasverband für den Kreis Olpe e.V.

"Dear Kai, thank you very much - your keynote was really good and perfectly tailored to our conference! After your presentation, many participants approached me proactively and I only received super positive feedback!"
Julia Bauch
HHL Leipzig

"Mr. Gondlach is a captivating speaker who inspired our international audience. His future scenarios made us think and marvel. They also generated plenty of discussion after the presentation."
Romana Mallinger
Richter Pharma Industries

"Captivating, visionary, but also thought-provoking. You could have heard a pin drop during his lecture."
Peter Wohlfarth
Badischer Weinbauverband e.V.

"Mr. Gondlach inspired our guests from politics, science and business with an innovative contribution on the topic of "Municipalities of the future". The presentation offered interesting insights into the sustainable city of the future. And not only in relation to metropolitan areas, but also with a view to smaller municipalities. The cooperation was friendly and professional."
Eva Högger

"Kai Gondlach accompanied one of my events as a speaker and gave the audience exciting, sometimes surprising, sometimes frightening and also seductive insights into our lives in the future. He is a likeable speaker who charmingly takes the audience on a shared journey into the future."
Ursula Clara Deschkas
ERGO Deutschland AG

"Kai Gondlach took the guests at our company meeting into the unknown world of the future in a friendly, entertaining, curiosity-awakening and informative way and - not only with his surprising conclusion - certainly laid the foundation for a change of perspective for one or the other."
Ralph Wilken, Head of Economic Development City of Oldenburg (Oldb)
Wirtschaftsförderung Stadt Oldenburg (Oldb)
Books by Kai Gondlach
Here you will find my current and forthcoming books. As an editor, I am primarily dedicated to the systematic, interdisciplinary examination of various topics. As an author, I delve deeper into the individual topics.

KI Jetzt!
From the basics to concrete use cases: This is the practical handbook for anyone who wants to get to grips with artificial intelligence (AI) professionally, create their own applications and learn about the future impact of this key technology of the 21st century.

Regenerative Zukünfte und künstliche Intelligenz
The first comprehensive compendium on sustainability and artificial intelligence – a comprehensive and systematic reference work with an introduction, systematic overview and state of the art. 32 contributions by renowned experts from all over the world.

Work and AI 2030
41 articles by 78 renowned authors on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the world of work – this comprehensive reference book contains concrete descriptions and outlooks of AI in working worlds of society, law, business, banks, industry, craft, medicine and (further) education. A bestseller in the segment with over 700,000 accesses!

Arbeitswelt und KI 2030
41 articles by 78 renowned authors on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the world of work – this comprehensive reference book contains concrete descriptions and outlooks of AI in working worlds of society, law, business, banks, industry, craft, medicine and (further) education. A bestseller in the segment with over 700,000 accesses!
Why Futures?
In our increasingly globalized and digitalized world, approaches from individual disciplines such as economics or political science are providing fewer and fewer satisfactory answers. Digitalization or climate change are too complex for the tunnel vision of individual disciplines – and yet we need excellent research from all disciplines.
As a scientific futurologist and well-connected entrepreneur, Kai Gondlach keeps an eye on the progress of all important disciplines and recognizes systemic changes at an early stage. He predicted the coronavirus pandemic as early as mid-2019 and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in fall 2021. With this existential knowledge advantage of up to a year, his customers were better able to prepare for the shock waves.

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